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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I mean, I’m coming from a background sceptical of the law of attraction because it’s just repackaging having goals to sell self help books. How do you become a nuclear scientist? Step 1) step 2) step 3) etc.

    The law of attraction is new speak used to sell known principles to people, in my opinion. Manifestation, in my opinion, is the same thing but coming at it from a crystals vibe rather than the self help vibe of the law of attraction.

    I don’t mean to be a jerk about it, hence all the in my opinions, but as I said, I am very skeptical of the usage and utilization of the concept of manifestation.

    All that said, you’re not wrong. The principle is valid and it does work, but it’s mustering the discipline to stick to those goals, that’s the secret that everyone is looking for. Idk I feel like I’m starting to ramble, do you have any points/counter points to any of this?

  • Oh yeah, I just wanted to complete the picture for those who might not be able to assume all the steps, it’s by no means a fault in anything you said. I’m just adding on because I don’t mind the low hanging fruit discussions, personally. By all means, feel free to skip it, that’s what people with interests like mine are here to fill for! Don’t waste your time being stuck in boring explanations on the internet when it’s virtually guaranteed someone else will think it’s fun!

  • That second one… Isn’t that manifestation? Hard agree with you there, usually people promoting manifestation are simultaneously saying “you can imagine anything and make it real” and in the same breath are trying to sell you something that you evidently aren’t able to imagine into your reality for free.

    On the other side, technically, even breathing is enough to satisfy the goal of “changing the universe”. That bunch of molecules would not be moving through the universe like that if it weren’t for your consciousness (but few appreciate sentience at that atomic of a mechanical level lol. I just think it’s a massive glazed over step in going from mind to city/culture/science)

  • Ahh that makes sense. I only remember switching out entire sets when I was doing a 3 monster hunt on a time limit, so I think it likely includes weapons to switch out.

    And congrats on getting it finally!!! That taste of victory is always sweet!

    I love grinding for armor, that “to get” list that alerts you when you have all the components needed makes planning out armor builds a breeze. That’s one qol update that I really miss in MHGU.

    As for the joycons, it’s no big deal anymore. I already dropped some money trying new joycons, and that didn’t work so I’ll just cut my losses and deal with not having a dockable switch. It’s not like I used it a lot before, it probably stopped working on one of my long breaks from the switch lol

  • Oh the Palico system is super fun! You get to have 2 Palico come with you on hunts and you can have up to like 36 hired Palico that can go on separate adventures (they’re called meownster hunters in that mode). You can also have a palico make trades with offscreen villages to get extra resources (this is replaced by the tree box in World). You also have Palico levels for each Palico, and they increase level through either training or going on hunts with you. It’s just an absolutely adorable wrapper to a good minigame system.

    It’s been a while since I’ve played World but I have a distinct memory of being able to change armor at the camps. I could be wrong though, so don’t hate me if this is a false memory lol

    Hr bone armor should be pretty decent but if you can get the LR rathian armor, I think that comes with poison resistance as a perk, you’d have to check to be sure though (plus, HR bone armor is going to give you way more protection than LR rathian armor, but if it’s the poison that’s carting you, it might actually work)

    My switch just doesn’t connect to the joycon anymore. Idk what I did, it might just be normal wear and tear since I got this switch during the initial big rush when they were first on sale. I might just need to wait until the switch 2 or whatever it might be called comes out though. I did buy some off brand joycons, so they might not be fully updated yet, I just found out today. Will have to try upgrading the firmware tomorrow!

  • Hehe I used to mindlessly grind technique in the training room of World so keeping my shield and sword charged became second nature for a while. I saw some memes about it being hard and my stubbornness came out lol. Hammer is just like learning how to be patient and not always run at the monster (and learning to put your weapon away to move faster lol)

    As for going backwards, it’s not super bad. I was surprised that the switchblade controls were about the same, just fewer moves. I hated the loading screens at first but now I’m just used to them. I do prefer that World has a few monsters that can interact with each other in every map instance, but I like how MHGU has more areas to visit. I also absolutely love the Palico system in MHGU that is completely missing from World (though it sounds like they may have added it to Rise? I’m not sure about that). All in all, I think I was expecting a major step down to a DS game and ended up actually getting a very nice Switch port, so while I was expecting it to sort of be not easily playable, I’m very much pleasantly surprised by what it turned out to actually be.

    Ahh the good old “you don’t have enough damage to capture me” dilemma. I’m a freak about upgrading to specific monsters in World (not at that stage yet in MHGU) so when I go after a 3 monster hunt, I usually have to visit camp to switch out my armor (biggest complaint I have about MHGU is that this feature is missing but it DOES add challenge to how I approach hunts. Unfortunately, right now, my best idea is to max attack for every hunt though lol)

    are you also a “capture all the monsters” kinda hunter? My biggest pride is when I can 0/x a monster type lol (sometimes very hard, especially up against like a bulldrome that just never shows when its limping because it’s almost always in rage mode)

    Honestly I’m surprised you can survive with just bone armor against a pink rathian. Your dodge game must be godly! I wish you the best luck possible!

    Ahh I didn’t know about the limited release, good on you for voting with your wallet regardless! If you ever get into emulators and end up being able to try it out, it was just exactly what I wanted after an entire childhood filled with Super Mario Sunshine (an even better game, imo). There’s really no reason I should dislike Odyssey though, it’s cute and it’s got everything it should.

    Now if only I could get my joycon to connect to the switch farther than half a foot away so I can go back to using the dock x.x

    And thank you! I’ve heard there are some nasty fights to look forward to (I’m excited about the Rajang fight, personally, but I also anticipate some rage haha) so I will take all the luck I can get!

  • Oh man I absolutely loved World. I mained switchblade on that one. I decided to go with hammer to switch it up in MHGU (biggest difference is having to have patience instead of hack and slash). I haven’t done any of the academy quests, so my hunter rank is still 1 in MHGU, but on World I have HR 61 (Im pretty sure that’s pretty low but I’ve been going at my own pace) and MR 10

    I absolutely love rathian fights. If you have poison resistance, it’s basically just a big old doge and slash fest with the occasional flash bang to drop em out of the sky. I feel like long sword might be more skill heavy than switchblade, but keep on with it and you’ll get there!

    Im currently still technically on iceborn so it might be a few hobby cycles before I get to Rise, but I do plan on playing it eventually.

    As for Odyssey, it currently feels like a less good Galaxy, but Galaxy came out right when I was in the throws of teenage video game euphoria, so I’ve been forcing myself to give it a fair shot. I heard a saying that people get stuck in the entertainment they had when they were teenagers, and that seems to be true enough. I don’t want to miss out just because I have too much nostalgia for Galaxy though.

    I saw some videos about how Odyssey changes the music based on different actions you take in game, and I’m excited to see that effect in action, so I do have reason to play, it’s just that MHGU is perfect to listen to a podcast to while hunting lol I’ll get there though, it might just be a while

  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is my current obsession. Hunting monsters, swinging hammer, etc. It’s a good time. Once I’m done or bored of it, my next games are super Mario Odyssey (just got it recently for super cheap) and then Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword (same deal). I’m set for a good long time though based on how much of an amazing time sink MHGU is. I already have 50+ in game hours and my Hunter Rank is laughably low still.

  • I think you’ve managed to define an oxymoron of a society.

    Society does not exist without consequences. That’s what laws/rules/agreements are necessitated on. As in, a society with no consequences is not a society. I’d go so far to say that society is a system of consequences.

    Even in a “lawless societies” hierarchies form, and then agreements turn to rules turn to defacto law.

    This is like saying “I can never truly be free because gravity binds me to the ground”. Like, ok, sure, but you had to define freedom in a non-standard way to get to that conclusion (I’m trying make this make sense, is it landing well?)