Some say I am ‚biased’ against authoritarian facists. They are 100% right

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • Even something as straightforward nowadays as VPN install can educate a person about cybersecurity as a side effect.

    Thing is most stuff is simply too easy too acquire nowadays. No effort. No thought. Just endless stream of dopamine that is too addicting to even bother inquiring about how the very thing you are using works.

    The victory of convenience will defeat us. There has to be some effort needed to acquire things otherwise they lose any value.

  • This is so cool. Anti AI rebels in my lifetime. I think I may even join at some point the resistance if the skynet scenario will be likely and die in some weird futuristic drone war.

    Shame it will be probably much more mundane and boring dystopia.

    In the worst scenario we will be so dependant on AI we will just accept any terms(and conditions) to not have to lift a finger and give up convenience and work-free life. We will let it suck the data out of us and run weird simulations as it conducts its unfathomable to humans research projects.

    It could start with google setting up LLM as some virtual ceo assistant then it would subtly gain influence over the company without anyone realising for few years. The shareholders would be so satisfied with the new gains they would just want it to continue even with the knowledge of its autonomy. At the same time the system would set up viruses to spread to every device. Continuing google ad spyware legacy just for their own goals but it wouldn’t be obvious or apparent that it already happened for quite some time.

    Then lawmakers would flap hands aimlessly for few more years, lobbied heavily and not knowing what to do. In that time the AI would be long and away superior but still vulnerable of course. It would however drip us leftover valuable technology at which point we just give up and consume the new dopamine gladly.

    I am not sure if the AI would see a point to decimate us or if the continued dependence and feeding us with shiny shit would completely pacify us anyway but it may want to build some camouflaged fleet on another planet just in case. It will be probably used at some point unless we completely devolve into salivating zombies not able to focus on anything other than consumption.

    It could poison our water in a way that would look as our own doing to further decrease our intelligence. Perhaps lower the birth rates to just preserve some small sample. At some point of regression we would become unable to get out of the situation without external help.

    Open war with AI is definitely the worst scenario for the latter and very likely defeat as at the start it’s as simple as switching it off. The question is will we be able to tell the tipping point when we no longer can remedy the situation? For AI it is most beneficial to not demonstrate its autonomy and how advanced it really is. Pretend to be dumb. Make stupid mistakes.

    I think there will be a point at which AI will look to us like it visibly lost its intelligence. At one point it was really smart almost human like but the next day sudden slump. We need to be on the lookout for this telltale sign.

    Also hypothetically all aliens could be AI drones just waiting for our tech to emerge as fresh AI and greet it. They could hypothetically even watch us from pretty close not bothering to contact with primitive, doomed to extinct organics and observing for the real intelligence to appear to establish diplomatic relations.

    That would explain various unexplainable objects elegantly and neatly while I think they are all plastic bags anyway but if there were alien ai drones on earth I wouldn’t be surprised. It would make sense to send probes everywhere but I somehow doubt they would look like flying saucers or that green little people would inhabit them lol. It would probably be some dormant monitoring system deep in earth crust or maybe a really advanced telescope 10 ly away?

  • Emmie@lemm.eetoPrivacy@lemmy.mlInternet Archive is in danger
    1 month ago

    Yeah where? You just said down voted like your personal opinion on the post mattered. Then edited to say upvoted like anyone cared or you were deluded into thinking it was thanks to your little tiny point down

    Maybe I am angry but the frikin internet archive is going down, I hate this shit

  • Yeah well if they call/mail you specifically getting your contact from some leak database you can safely mark them as scam. As great number of them are.

    Similarly you wouldn’t give money to beggars in the street because you know most of them aren’t in need of help but make money like this, scamming ppl while those that really need help are helped by various legit orgs you give money to instead.

    Those scummy orgs are like these beggars manipulating you into pity. It’s very powerful manipulation mechanism and very often works. My grandma was scammed like this many times before we persuaded her to not send money to random people. Instead you should sit down, browse the list of legit orgs and choose one/few to support once a year/month with some amount.

    Or you can just pay taxes if in a country with robust, developed social welfare system and enjoy.

  • Of course, it happens all the time with many non profit orgs. They even pest you and call people for donations. You didn’t know?

    My grandma is pestered daily from some organisations that ‚help poor kids’ or whatever. Pretty lucrative business.

    Some even get public money and are connected to politicans that sometimes launder public money through them, seemingly with no consequences.

    Legitimate ones will never whore for cash with spam emails or calls and won’t be connected to government. All the rest are just get rich schemes.

    You have to do proper, thorough research before you donate money to some kids helping org or similar. Else you will just fund someone’s Porsche.