What is the charge? Eating an onion? A succulent sea onion?
What is the charge? Eating an onion? A succulent sea onion?
Normally when I think of wobbegongs I think about cute, maybe a little strange-looking but otherwise harmless creatures. But then I remember that the tasselled wobbegong exists.
Maybe the cats can support that hard drive a little better.
Does NASA really need to “score a win” or is that just click bait?
We need to get Solomon Epstein working on this.
Yo dawg, I heard you like poutine…
Canadian couples only have sex doggy-style, so they can both watch the hockey game.
If I’m ever reincarnated as a mole rat, I know I have guaranteed employment.
I’ve spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.
Pardon me, did you say “Abe Lincoln”?
Edit: I was trying to reference this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJcuYKyHEgs
I use a combination of both. Objects are declared const, all members are set in the constructor, all methods are const. It doesn’t really work for some types of programs (e.g. GUIs) but for stuff like number crunching it’s great.
What a little shit.