Custom DNS and VPN, more secure would be Tor but its not everyday use fast.
Banned from because they are Anti-Semitic
If you self identity as: Communist, pro Russia, pro China, anti Nato anti EU, Nazi, or spam bot, please do yourself a favor and delete your account.
“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”
Custom DNS and VPN, more secure would be Tor but its not everyday use fast.
This is the best analogy i have heard in a long time.
VPN is your best friend, also don’t host a piracy server over a hoster within EU…
I mean its not metric that’s the point. people behavior.
Piracy is the only good way to consume media, man even the customer support is better!
No, legal is a worldly therm, knowledge isn’t bound by laws.
There is no such thing as a illigal book
Everything about -10 is warm.
Nah Kelvin is just on hydrogen perspective
(Kelvin and Celsius are the same scale just with different 0)
Does that Work for Chemical weapons as well?
Good old fashioned knitting of ring magnets!
I personally don’t like foldables, there are no cases for them.
My 4a 5G still rocks like its factory new, almost no loss in battery life, maybe im just blessed however…
As a Google hater im sad to say that the Pixels are actually worth it and very very good phones.
That sounds so fucking illigal
No a phobia would be unreasonable fear, i just hate China.
Oberread the torrenting part, was just thinking about privacy