Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.
And I fucking HATE pedophiles.

Speaking of which, Woody Allen is indeed a pedophile, who raped one of his step-daughters and married another. People who defend that shit are SICK.

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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月15日


  • I hope so too, and yes, it does have the possibility of helping others, especially by forcing procedural loopholes into the law and also forcing the exception for complicated pregnancies that many people want.

    But I just saw an article about a letter just issued by Ken Paxton saying that the judge’s ruling will not protect her, her husband, her doctors or her hospital from criminal charges if she goes ahead with the abortion. Note the URL: this is straight from his own office. (Just so you know, a TRO is a temporary restraining order and in this case it is the specific part of the judge’s ruling that allows this abortion, so when Paxton talks about the TRO in negative terms, he’s speaking directly of the judge’s ruling.)

    I have dealt with real evil in my life. Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton are wholly amoral, and their actions look just as evil as those I have ever had to deal with. If they are forced to back down to save this lady’s health and future ability to bear children, they will try to find ways to punish anyone involved, because that’s what evil does. So this further update about how they will be criminally charged despite the judge’s order doesn’t really surprise me.

  • Yes, but I can’t help but reflect on what this has cost her not just in terms of available cash, but physical energy and even privacy. She is carrying a baby that will not survive: viciously hard under even the best of circumstances, but she doesn’t even have time or space to grieve.

    Because the state of Texas has weaponized her healthcare, she has had to come up with cash for attorneys; she’s had to drag herself to court appearances; she’s had to subject the most intimate of medical information to assholes that never spent so much as an hour in medical school or she, her husband, and her doctors can be charged with a crime; and now the entire fucking nation is all up in her shit.

    Hell yeah she’s a hero. But look at how much it is costing her.

  • I found the two adjacent sections you are referring to in the Privacy Policy, and it’s a good question. I have no idea what it means either. Email address I can understand to some extent, but not an anonymous username or a private password no one else should ever see. Quoting for posterity:

    Personal information provided by you

    The personal information that we collect depends on the context of your interactions with us and the website, the choices you make, and the features you use. The personal information we collect may include the following:

    • email addresses
    • usernames
    • passwords

    Sensitive information

    We do not process sensitive information.

    All personal information that you provide to us must be true, complete, and accurate, and you must notify us of any changes to such personal information.

  • No one should feel like there’s a “deterrent” to voting.

    . . . It is a very bad idea to deter people from voting

    You misread. What I wrote:

    deterrent against weaponizing downvotes

    Voting and weaponizing downvotes are two very different things.

    To be clear, I used the phrase “weaponizing downvotes” to paraphrase the intent behind the written policy I quoted in full. Here it is again:

    Do not engage in content manipulation such as posting spam content, vote manipulation through using several user accounts or consistently down-voting a user. Vote for the content, not for the person.

    Seems like you have a problem with the policy then, because it is requiring you to self-regulate your own voting, and to specifically NOT vote as you please, but in a way that is best for the community as a whole.

  • It would be good practice if admins would link a selection of the offensive material.

    Duh. They already have. It’s there all day every day. Peruse it as often as you like, at your own convenience. You can even filter by removed posts, removed comments, and banned users:

    Modlog tells you all you need to know. Unless, of course, you don’t actually want to know it and you’re just JAQing us all off, lol.

    Right now there are celebrating comments but I haven’t seen bad behavior myself, even in heated debates.

    That’s because the moderators here are very, VERY good at what they do – which again, you’d know if you’d looked at the modlog.

    Does a lemmy instance exist that federated with everybody where important communities should be hosted?

    No one knows what “important communities” are to you. Stop looking for mind readers and start looking for instances that do not defederate for any reason, because they are out there.

    You’re not trapped here. You have options. Take them.