No need to cruelly punish 80k people.
No need to cruelly punish 80k people.
“let’s not pretend that’s the only evidence”
Been called out on it and fails to porovide any, yet doubles down, makes another comment yet still can’t name 1 SINGLE FACT in his empty word salad.
I wonder who made up your mind for you?
If it’s worthy of calling it a mind going by your abominal reasoning skills.
So again, since you the first hint went over your head, quit while your behind.
You have nothing to offer and only parrot the common MSM garbage.
LOL Imagine being this confidently wrong .
I did give you 2 important decisions Trump made that were very hostile to Russia.
Or do you want to deny this happened or that he during his first time already fully supported them 4 years long.
Maybe you do, there’s a possibility of you being ‘special’ in the head.
Especially when I do Google what you have to offer as ‘facts’. Slop I normally wouldn’t waste time with and read:
“According to a Facebook post…”
“a former Soviet and Kazakh security official, claimed…”
"a rumor circulated online that… "
You see, when they use these little words it means they pulled them from their ass and have nothing to back it up.
Exactly the opposite of a fact (a thing that is known or proved to be true.)
Only dumb or very gullible specimens would believe that, or worse double down on them.
I don’t waste time on them Like I don’t waste on those ‘articles’.
At best I ridicule them, then say goodbye.
So bye
I just gave you facts to the contrary, then simply show me your ‘evidence’
The FSB handler that told gim to stop all aid and make an exception for ukraine?
That told him to unlilaterally break the missile treaties?
Is he in the room with us right now?
death to Amerikkka!!!
She has joined the US military, no matter what function or personal actions she is part of a terrorist organisation that has murdered millions of innocent civilians.
no tears for warcriminals
moronic take
Do you think people who refuse to vote for a genocidal POS would vote for another zionist bootlicker?
They voted 3rd party OC. OC most of you morons voted for the D/R uniparty in your banana republic.
And you’re just one of the losers still trying to cope that their precious slightly less fascist oligarch party lost.
And now all they got is bittezr nasty remarks about how Palestinians ‘deserve it’ bcs some cunt country didn’t vote for more genocide. Just shows how nasty and racist you libs all are.
Well I hope Trump destroys your shitcountry as fast as possible.
You all deserve it. You are a cancer to the world.
Death to america!
Your link is lib media, it is exactly them who will keep them in line and sell real progressives out.
If not blatantly collaborate with the regime.
Scratch a liberal…