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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Reverse proxy is actually super easy with nginx. I have an nginx server at the front of my server doing the reverse proxy and an Apache server hosting some of those applications being proxied.

    Basically 3 main steps:

    • Setup up the DNS with your hoster for each subdomain.

    • Setup your router to port forward for each port.

    • Setup nginx to do the proxy from each subdomain to each port.

    DreamHost let’s me manage all the records I want. I point them to the same IP as my server:

    This is my config file:

    server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        server_name photos.my_website_domain.net;
        location / {
            include proxy_params;
     server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        server_name media.my_website_domain.net;
        location / {
            include proxy_params;

    And then I have dockers running on those ports.

    root@website:~$ sudo docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                                      NAMES
    e18157d11eda   photoprism/photoprism:latest   "/scripts/entrypoint…"   4 weeks ago   Up 4 weeks>2342/tcp, :::2342->2342/tcp, 2442-2443/tcp   photoprism-photoprism-1
    b44e8a6fbc01   mariadb:11                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 weeks ago   Up 4 weeks   3306/tcp                                                   photoprism-mariadb-1

    So if you go to photos.my_website_domain.net that will navigate the user to my_website_domain.net first. My nginx server will kick in and see you want the ‘photos’ path, and reroute you to basically http://my_website_domain.net:2342. My PhotoPrism server. So you could do http://my_website_domain.net:2342 or http://photos.my_website_domain.net. Either one works. The reverse proxy does the shortcut.

    Hope that helps!

  • Kind of. Both merge and rebase result in the branches “synced up” but they do it in different ways.

    Merge is making a batter for cookies, having a bowl for dry ingredients (task branch) and a bowl for wet ingredients, (master branch) making them separately and then just dumping the dry bowl into the wet bowl (merge).

    Rebase is taking a time machine back to before you started mixing the dry ingredients, mix all the wet ingredients first then add the dry ones on top of that in the same bowl.

    It’s really hard to create an analogy for this.

  • Merge is taking all the code from the master branch and combining it with the task branch, resulting in a commit for just the merge itself.

    Rebase is “re-basing” where your task branch was created from off the master branch. It essentially takes all the commits from master that happened since you branched, REWRITES THE HISTORY of your task branch by inserting those master branch commits before all your existing commits, and effectively makes your task branch look like it was branched yesterday instead of like 4 weeks ago. You changed where your task branch originated on the master. You moved its base.

    Atlassian does a fantastic writeup on this.