• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • IMO people would figure it out and life would go on. Yes, lots of people would have the calendar date advance in the middle of the day but that’s fine, we’d get used to it. People wouldn’t work 9-5 jobs, but we’d come up with different terminology.

    I don’t really see the argument about people waking up at different times. Yeah, some people would wake up at 02:00 and some at 16:00, but when someone says they wake up at 02:00, there’s 0 confusion about when that is. You’d have to know when someone is awake to do an international call, but you have to do that anyways.

  • Oh also, it was kind of strange how little he mentioned AI. I like how he wrote that the AI wasn’t trusted to be a Swordholder because it was “too logical”. Completely missed the boat on ChatGPT. “Write a play in which Harry Potter pressed the button to destroy humanity, and then act it out” or something like that would be all it takes.

    It was also strange that hundreds of years in the future, humans are still doing hard manual labor. Where are the robots?

  • It is decentralized. None of the issues you bring up are proof of centralization. If you get banned from one instance or don’t like email verification or whatever your beef is, find an instance with whatever policies you like. If you can’t find such an instance, start your own.

    If nobody federates with you because your instance is full of people that got banned from everywhere else, that’s decentralization in action and maybe you should stop to consider if there’s a reason nobody wants to interact with you?

  • Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 4244.39 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

    Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 12.05 bits of identifying information.

    Firefox mobile with various addons, most important of which is probably NoScript

  • I’m too lazy to convert that by hand, but here’s what chatgpt converted that to for SQL, for the sake of discussion:

        a.artist_name -- or whatever the name column is in the 'artists' table
    FROM artists a
    JOIN albums al ON a.id = al.artist_id
    JOIN nominations n ON al.id = n.album_id -- assuming nominations are for albums
    WHERE al.release_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01' AND '1999-12-31'
    AND n.award = 'MTV' -- assuming there's a column that specifies the award name
    AND n.won = FALSE
    GROUP BY a.id, a.artist_name -- or whatever the name column is in the 'artists' table
    ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT n.id) DESC, a.artist_name -- ordering by the number of nominations, then by artist name
    LIMIT 10;

    I like Django’s ORM just fine, but that SQL isn’t too bad (it’s also slightly different than your version though, but works fine as an example). I also like PyPika sometimes for building queries when I’m not using Django or SQLAlchemy, and here’s that version:

    q = (
        .join(albums).on(artists.id == albums.artist_id)
        .join(nominations).on(albums.id == nominations.album_id)
        .select(artists.id, artists.artist_name)  # assuming the column is named artist_name
        .where(albums.release_date.between('1990-01-01', '1999-12-31'))
        .where(nominations.award == 'MTV')
        .where(nominations.won == False)
        .groupby(artists.id, artists.artist_name)
        .orderby(fn.Count(nominations.id).desc(), artists.artist_name)

    I think PyPika answers your concerns about

    What if one method wants the result of that but only wants the artists’ names, but another one wanted additional or other fields?

    It’s just regular Python code, same as the Django ORM.

  • I’m pretty excited about PRQL. If anything has a shot at replacing SQL, it’s something like this (taken from their FAQ):

    PRQL is open. It’s not designed for a specific database. PRQL will always be fully open-source. There will never be a commercial product.

    There’s a long road ahead of it to get serious about replacing SQL. Many places won’t touch it until there’s an ANSI standard and all that. But something built with those goals in mind actually might just do it.

  • I don’t think you really have a choice TBH. Trying to do something like that sounds like a world of pain, and a bunch of unidiomatic code. If you can’t actually support 4 to 10 languages, maybe you should cut back on which ones you support?

    One interesting thing you could try if you really don’t want to cut back is to try having using an LLM to take your officially supported code and transliterate it to other languages. I haven’t tried it at this scale yet, but LLMs are generally pretty good at tasks like that. I suspect that would work better than whatever templating approach you’ve used before.

    If neither of those approaches works, everything speaks C FFI, and Rust is a modern language that would work well for presenting a C FFI that the other languages can use. You’re probably not hot on the idea of rewriting your Go tests into another language, but I think that’s your only real option then.

  • I unfortunately can’t really offer much advice here. I configured Wireguard on my phone by essentially copy/pasting the configuration from my laptop and changing the values as necessary like the public key and client IP address. Turned it on, it activated VPN mode in Android and everything started working.

    I guess make sure you haven’t mixed up your public/private keys, your server knows about the new device (and is restarted), and your phone is using the right IP address as basic troubleshooting steps.

  • Yeah, when you configure it, you essentially say “all traffic to should go through this wireguard connection”. Then, your OS automagically knows “oh, this connection to should go through Wireguard, and I’ll handle it like so”. You don’t have to configure any applications specifically, their network connections just get routed appropriately by your OS.