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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Maybe actually examine the material conditions of the peoples in places who have had communist revolutions. It is indisputable that the vast majority of people in such societies had such significant increases in quality of life that it far surpasses anything a capitalist society has ever done.

    China literally took one of the poorest, least educated, most class-stratified societies in the world, industrialized it, educated it, and became the number 2 super power in 60 years. Chinas life expectancy just surpassed the U.S.’s. Chinas minimum wage has gone up 500% in the last decade or two. In the Same time in the US, the minimum wage has remained the exact same. China has built more high speed rail in the last twenty years than the entire rest of the world combined across all of history. They’ve built more solar and wind farms than anyone else also.

    Russian life expectancies pre-revolution was 32. 32 years. After the Soviets took over, that began increasing for decades, only lowering again during the worst of WWII fighting, and immediately going back up afterwards. After the collapse of the USSR, under the western policy of Shock Therapy(the reconstitution of capitalist economics), millions of people died and life expectancy plunged by 10 years.

    Look up nutrition information on Soviet citizens as released by the FBI, where they cite that Soviet citizens ate as many calories as Americans, from healthier sources. Look up what percentage of the population was in the gulag system Vs what percentage of the population is in the American prison system.

    It seems to be, that capitalism is great for the people at the top, but for those of us at the bottom, socialism is infinitely better. Ration lines to a rich man means he Can’t abuse his position for special privileges. Ration lines to the poor mean having food every day instead of when you can afford it. Most of the things we’ve been told about communism, at least the ones i have heard, are from the perspective of the rich who are upset they lost their place at the head of the table and had to live as equals with those they saw as inferior.

  • Lmaoo I knew you’d take the bait.

    I’m sorry for being confrontational, it’s funny but it doesn’t help anything. I hope you are safe, and never have to experience war or occupation. There’s a saying I like, “When the revolution comes, you won’t just get the wall, buddy. You’ll get four walls, a roof, clean clothes, good food, education, and quality healthcare because that’s what every human being alive deserves.” We may disagree on a lot, but in the end, my goal is the liberation of all peoples, not just people I get along with, so I genuinely wish you well and hope one day to have a better interaction.

  • No, taking something without paying is theft. Piracy has many definitions, but none of them that simple.

    -Robbery or other serious acts of violence committed at sea.
    -The hijacking of an airplane.
    -Copyright or patent infringement.
    -The illegal interception or use of radio or television signals.
    -An instance of piracy.
    -In geology, that process whereby, because of a higher natural gradient, and therefore more efficient eroding power, one stream cuts back a divide and taps off the head-waters or a tributary of another stream. The captured stream usually turns a sharp angle into its new course and leaves a wind-gap where it formerly flowed. Also called stream-piracy.
    -Robbery upon the sea; robbery by pirates; the practice of robbing on the high seas.
    -Literary theft; any unauthorized appropriation of the mental or artistic conceptions or productions of another; specifically, an infringement of the law of copyright.

  • Crank the difficulty and play as a samurai instead of a ninja. Just straight rush every enemy you see. You’ll still probably have problems trying to complete all the assorted landmarks on the map, but the combat is way more fun when you and everyone around you die in 1-2 hits and you’re constantly swapping stances to stay alive.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t do a replay, if I were you. I would just get the expansion pack and play that. If you’re really itching for a replay, you can do New Game Plus and at least earn New cosmetics instead of unlocking the same ones again.