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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I saw the video about a year ago, the one posted by gamma on this thread and the general summary I got from the video is that:

    1. For the immense time and expertise these children are putting into the game, they get a very small cut. And their social life and education will probably suffer so hey!
    2. A job comes with security and rights. These children get no rights as they are not on contract.
    3. There are predators on Roblox which the company is overlooking (as they are making huge games there, like the Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox game).

    It’s a very grey area that isn’t regulated well.

  • I have a UV lamp from when I was making sure the room was relatively sterile for our newborn.

    So here’s my say:

    1. The room rapidly stinks of ozone. Ozone is a free radical that fucks up everything, including your lungs. We didn’t enter the room until about half an hour after the UV was off (Ozone recombines pretty quickly).
    2. UV lamps are frequently used to sterilise hospital rooms because people are usually immunocompromised. Our newborn was fine, but it may have helped.
    3. COVID turns up in the comments: you cannot emit UV everywhere anytime without, again I quote, fucking people’s lungs up. And COVID was pretty good at spreading anywhere and everywhere, so haha, nope.
    4. Those fun UV lamps that make stuff glow in the dark? Pretty damn close to visible colour violet, and low intensity (we use them in the dark, no?). This UV lamp for sterilisation? Look at it for a couple of seconds and you are already burning a hole in your retina.

  • I think it was a trap should the life they seeded become space farers. When the humans arrived the engineers would have taken matters into their hands to ‘reset’ the world. But alas there was already an incident making most of the planet and engineers dead so one engineer was defeatable.

    David went and did a ‘reset’ on the engineers planet. Not for revenge per se, but to remove a species that didn’t serve his purpose.

    All my conjecture but it seems the engineers were not too happy either to see space farers, or to realise that the space farers had produced an AI which they abhored for its inherent evil. I recall that the engineer was angered primarily by David talking to him, and David was talking about immortality for his master which was probably the final straw.