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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I use Firefly for business and personal finance purposes. I do my books nightly via a script that imports line items from the sales platform I use. Firefly’s automation allows easy tag/category assignment based on any number of details (source/destination account, transaction description, etc.) A tag in my case is just “business name” (personal expenses have no tag), and categories are expense types. At the end of the tax period I can generate a report that I copy-paste into my tax software. So far all of my numbers have lined up perfectly across the board, but I also balance accounts by hand to make sure. Biggest problem is backing it all up and testing the backup. I backup the database nightly and test the latest backup every 2 weeks, at which point it goes to the cloud. I need to automate that.

    The developer is also very active and there’s regular releases.

  • Friend of mine lives in bumfuck nowhere here in the US (like, no access to running water if it goes without raining for a few weeks - that kind of rural) and has gigabit up/down for $60 somehow. Meanwhile, there’s 2 or 3 ISPs in my area who will gladly take $60 for half that speed and dog shit upload. I pay for both a resi and biz line and the latter is the same speed for $15 more. Criminal.