Sorry if this is a newb question; I’m coming in cold. I’ve had HAOS running on an RPi4 for months, but I haven’t invested in any smart devices to connect yet.

I’d like to start with some (ideally open source) smart gauges just to check the temp out front and back. Any recommendations?


    13 days ago

    Like others have said, ZigBee is the way to go for low-traffic things like temperature sensors. It uses a lot less power than WiFi, so battery-powered devices can last for months on a CR2032.

    I’ve got some Aqara temperature/humidity sensors that I have hooked up to my Smartthings Hub and then imported into Home Assistant through the cloud, but you can use any ZigBee adapter that works with Home Assistant:

    I also recently got some Sensibo Elements boxes, which are wall-powered WiFi air quality sensors that include temperature/humidity. They have an official HA integration. If you go for them, don’t worry about the sale countdown on the website; it doesn’t actually seem to ever end.