Can you guess today's hexcode color? Challenge your color instincts and decode the hexcode with Hexcodle! Inspired by Wordle, but for color enthusiasts.
I know that #000000 is black and #ffffff is white. All colors in between are mixed in RGB like #RRGGBB. If you want to create red, it would be #FF0000 = Red 100%, Green 0%, Blue 0%.
For my initial guess, I try to guess values based on the target color. Beyond that, I admittedly just guess up and down based on the arrows since they coarsely indicate magnitude.
I got Hexcodle #312 in 4! Score: 69%
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Does anyone really know the colors? Or do you just guess numbers and letters like me?
I know that #000000 is black and #ffffff is white. All colors in between are mixed in RGB like #RRGGBB. If you want to create red, it would be #FF0000 = Red 100%, Green 0%, Blue 0%.
For my initial guess, I try to guess values based on the target color. Beyond that, I admittedly just guess up and down based on the arrows since they coarsely indicate magnitude.