Coming in 2024. Explore the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger. As an envoy of Aedyr, you are sent to investigate rumors of a...
Eh, I thought I was being funny, my attempt failed. I was poking fun at Bethesda because they’ve put games that were either bland or watered down like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starfield for example. Avowed feels fresh and interesting to me, I’m excited about visiting the Living Lands and experiencing that story.
Don’t get me wrong they have made some real watered down-ass rpgs (i have never been more hyped than i was for fallout 4 and was massively let down lololol) but it just seemed like a weird place to bring it up.
Eh, I thought I was being funny, my attempt failed. I was poking fun at Bethesda because they’ve put games that were either bland or watered down like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starfield for example. Avowed feels fresh and interesting to me, I’m excited about visiting the Living Lands and experiencing that story.
Don’t get me wrong they have made some real watered down-ass rpgs (i have never been more hyped than i was for fallout 4 and was massively let down lololol) but it just seemed like a weird place to bring it up.