Source with many more images: Century 21 Props - Rack cabinets (Space: 1999 Catacombs)

The main unit featured was in the corner of the SHADO headquarters in UFO. Even within UFO episodes, details change as the prop is refurbished. For Space: 1999, some sections are have been swapped around, altered and in one case replaced. The top panel in UFO, with 3 round dials, swaps with the one at knee height, with a square red dial and four green wheels. Two of the middle panels are altered, and the central one has been replaced entirely.

    1 year ago

    Ah, completely unlabeled switches and buttons. Gauges that have both no label AND no numbers on them. Good enough for TV, untill someone from 50 years into the future starts to analyse pictures at impossible-for-tv resolutions.