My big stack of cartridge razor blades has just run out and I’d like to replace it with something less wastefull, and from what I hear a safety razor gives a better shave too.

From what I can see there’s no big difference beyond personal preferance on ergonomics, but are there any brands to avoid? Any well regarded? Can I just get anything? Anything I might not have thought about?

    5 months ago

    Im sure I will get some strong contrary opinions but in my experience you can’t get a closer shave with a safety razer. Maybe a straight razor but I never went that route as the safety is easier and works well enough for me. Personally I find normal shaving will do alright if im not going anywhere. I can kick it up a notch by against the grain follow up. If I really want to have it close though I follow up with a good disposable. This is fine to me as I use one per year and a pack lasts, well I have not finished the pack off yet. One thing if your new. Always make sure its tight. As long as its tight its almost impossible to cut yourself but if you do cut yourself it will because you allowed the mechanism to get to loose.