You see, most of us here probably know why using terms like ‘algorithm’ and verbs like ‘program’ to attribute PAC models is wrong. Right? Mathematical optimization models are not ‘programs’, they are not ‘algorithms’. They are results of algorithms, like the result of Discrete Cosine Transom is a JPEG file. I used to cringe every time someone on Youtube referred to its recommender system as ‘the Algorithm’ — and I used to think ‘Buddy, if this was an “algorithm” people would have figured it out ages ago!’ — however, I soon realized that, and this is specially true ever since “AI LE BAD AMIRITE”, the people who do that probably don’t even know that the ‘AI LE BAD’ is the same technology that is giving them precious views.

It’s ENTIRELY ok for Joe Q. LikeAndSubscribe to not know that. There are millions, if not gazillions of things, that Joe knows, that I don’t know. Everyone has their own specialty. Elitism is bad, and not even most programmers know about these stuff.

However, I do expect someone who shouts ‘woke is not meritocratic’ to know better. This is a genuine statement, I am giving logic here, and facts never care about logic, as many genocidal maniacs have pointed out in the past decade.

This guy owns an AI platform, and he still uses wrong terminology. This terminology is correct only, and only if by ‘AI’ we mean an oblique technology like Expert Systems, which are not considered AI anymore. Expert Systems are widely used today. For example, I heard that the dude who made F.E.A.R.'s enemy AI used his own version of CLIPS. In fact, an ES generator is what I recommend anyone seeking adventure to make.

But let’s face it, Elongated to the Max here does not mean ‘Expert Systems’. He is the face of meritocracy — and from what I have learned, you have to be super stupid to care about money so much that you would try and make beyond your means, and therefore he is just the right man for being such stupid moron.

Funny thing is, there were probably Zangi blacks (Zangi is what we in Persian call Sub-Saharan Africans — there are different words in Persian for Sub-Saharan blacks, Iranian blacks and North African blacks) in his father’s diamond mine whose sons now are fully aware of this!

I realize that this post is preachy. I know I may not have been fully factual. I don’t care.

    6 months ago

    He’s just an entrepreneur who really wants to play the Tony Stark role but doesn’t really know much more than the average tech hobbyist, so now he’s doing a bad-mediocre job at both things.