In short, the death of Moore’s Law is about the end of economic scaling of transistors. Packing more transistors on a chip does not save you money like it use to. This contradicts the point of Moore’s Law.
That might be a contributing factor, but the main reason comes down to cost. Moore’s Law originally stated that the cost per integrated component would be cut in half every year. The timeframe was variously adjusted to 24 months or 18 months, but however you want to run the numbers, the cost has not kept up. Starting from the Intel 8008, we’re now a few orders of magnitude behind.
In short, the death of Moore’s Law is about the end of economic scaling of transistors. Packing more transistors on a chip does not save you money like it use to. This contradicts the point of Moore’s Law.
So its not about transistor being too small that the electron just jumps from one circuit to another unintentionally?
That might be a contributing factor, but the main reason comes down to cost. Moore’s Law originally stated that the cost per integrated component would be cut in half every year. The timeframe was variously adjusted to 24 months or 18 months, but however you want to run the numbers, the cost has not kept up. Starting from the Intel 8008, we’re now a few orders of magnitude behind.