I’m currently a senior developer, but relatively new in the role of a “lead”. In my current project, I’m having a kind of co-lead and we have two devs working in our team. So a rather small enterprise.

Now my boss told me, that going forward, I will probably be leading larger and more complex projects (possible rather soon).

Since I’m constantly doubting myself, I would really like to learn more about how to be an effective/likeable lead. I’ve had too many “leads” who were just dogshit, professionally and as a person. I don’t want to be that (at least the professional part).

So, I guess my question is: what helped you? Books, articles, just random hints or strategies? I’ll take everything.

  • filister@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I fell in the trap of the first two points and figured out that delegating tasks is really hard, as I usually can finish them faster.

    But I am trying to protect my team and defend them in front of the upper management. It is okay for me to work overtime and not get compensated for that but it is not okay for them to do the same, as their salaries are lower.

    You should also understand that different people have different skillset/interest and are more suitable for different tasks. It is really important to know your team and to be able to motivate them.

    And don’t forget to regularly check on them and show interest in their tasks. I am trying to create an atmosphere where we are all equal and we can all contribute to a task and I am also working along with them to show them a good example.

    • myliltoehurts@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      I obviously don’t know your situation, but just remember you can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself first - you should not be overworked either.

      Great point about being aware of the strengths and weaknesses in the team!

      • filister@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Fair point, my life is a bit fucked up at the moment and work is something I haven’t managed to fuck up yet and at least gives me a bit sense of accomplishment and it keeps me busy of not overthinking and getting crazy.

        I know this is a treacherous road which often leads to workaholism and I guess I am half there yet. But I am also having sometimes problems of concentrating on more mundane and boring stuff and I procrastinate and working overtime is making things square.

        When you are young everything looks so much simpler and the older you get the more demons there are and life fucks us over big time or at least some of us. And the worst part is when you realise that there isn’t anyone else’s fault, that due to your own stupidity you are in this situation but there isn’t coming back, you can’t reload life and you should continue playing this game till the very end and try to get the best of it.

        And you know what’s even worse, that some people have it way worse than me and honestly speaking I don’t know how they manage to cope. I am more or less privileged to be born in Europe and have a safe and more or less comfortable life that we all take for granted.

        Sorry for the rant!

        • myliltoehurts@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          No worries!

          I can empathise somewhat, I have burned myself out with work before. I have given myself anxiety by procrastinating my work and then spending time thinking about all the things I need to do and how I won’t have the time instead of just doing it… To the point that I struggled to sleep, which just made me even less productive. It’s all a downward spiral, unfortunately.

          I hope you get your life on the track you want it to be on!