• DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    Shadowrun: Okay so you has a weapon that can attack the darkness? Great.

    What’s the the DV and AP of the weapon?
    Let’s start on your pool so add your Agility Attribute and weapon skill together.

    What’s your personal reach plus your weapons reach? okay, that’s lower than the Shadow’s reach by 2, so take that out of your pool

    You took 7 damage so far right? okay so minus another 2 from your pool.

    Okay, now roll your pool! 7 hits because of your EDGE limit. Pretty good!

    So the shadow, let me see… It’s going to parry because it counts itself as a weapon, so -5 to initiative to add it’s skill to the DEF pool, now add the intuition attribute and reaction attribute to the DEF pool, it took 2 damage which is -0 to the pool… okay I can roll now, I got 5 hits.

    So, 7-5 is >0 so let’s add your DV from your weapon, so you have (7-5)+(2+STR) and the AP of the weapon was -3. So, looks like this shadow’s Armor is less than that, so it’s going to be physical damage.

    So, now the shadow will roll BODY+Armor-3 as a pool, then subtract it from your hits… and it got 4 hits. So 5-4= 1, you did one damage.

    …oh sorry, you have 6 more attacks this turn? And your teamates are summoning ghosts to deal with the Shadow, and Sarah is going to …hack the shadow?

    Okay, give me a second…