I’ve got a lot of services, some in docker, some in LXC or a VM in proxmox. Currently I’ve got no monitoring service. Recently a service went down and I didn’t notice for quite a while so now I’ve got a bunch of missing data. What monitoring tools do you all use? Looking for something that works with docker and plain Linux CTs/VMs and can notify me if a website is down, docker container crashed, VM is offline, etc.
and as a bonus feature something that I can run on two machines so if an entire machine dies, the other will notice and I’ll still receive a notification.
notification can be anything, email, sms, push, etc.
UptimeKuma is what I use; it’ll watch tcp connections, docker containers, websites… whatever. And the notifications are pretty comprehensive and probably cover anything in 2023 would want to be using.
For a handful of servers, try zabbix. Every distribution has a packaged zabbix agent. It has everything: web ui, a way to Auto discover things with a bit of setup, nice graphs, alerting, LDAP User Management if you need it, a way to define per person/group alerting/notification schedules. And the community is big enough that many common services (fail2ban/postfix/MySQL/etc.) have premade custom monitoring scripts. Adding your own metrics is also very easy.