- [ ] GMOs are bad, but not for the reason you think.
- [ ] Company called Monsanto (now under another company called Bayer) made a weedkiller called Roundup which contains glyphosate, which is a possible carcinogen
- [ ] Roundup killed crops as well as weeds, so they sold GMO seeds that could withstand Roundup
- [ ] However, due to the monopoly/doninance of Monsanto, a lot of food, both processed and unprocessed, contains GMOs, which also contain a lot of glyphosate (which may be bad for you)
- [ ] To cover up further investigation of glyphosate, they captured and bribed the EPA to look the other way and even to support Monsanto’s research – at least until the WHO cane out in 2015 and said that glyphosate could be carcinogenic
- [ ] So GMOs aren’t inherently bad, but they can be used for evil purposes like these
- [ ] So try and at least buy organic food or grow your own food to avoid glyphosate
- [ ] However according to a youtube comment, Roundup is also used to make plants mature faster…
Edit: misspelling, changed Montesanto to Monsanto
It’s Monsanto, not Montesanto.