We really need to stop pointing to Artificial Intelligence as some panacea, with all the world’s problems one well-constructed AI prompt away from resolution. That’s especially true whe…
According to their Wikipedia, Techdirt only accepted money from Charles Koch’s foundation for a lawsuit (amongst other donors), and are owned by Floor64.
Floor 64’s website only has 2 people listed in their management team, but I couldn’t dig up if either are linked to the Koch’s (I was pretty cursory about it though).
The article was worth a read for this quote alone:
VGHF library director Phil Salvador puts it even more simply: “Generative AI video is a great way to preserve video games, in the sense that mirages are a great source of water.”
i agree with the headline. strongly. didn’t read the article.
btw is tech dirt still funded by (one of) Koch bros?
edit: honestly, just checking. won’t complain, whatever the answer.
According to their Wikipedia, Techdirt only accepted money from Charles Koch’s foundation for a lawsuit (amongst other donors), and are owned by Floor64.
Floor 64’s website only has 2 people listed in their management team, but I couldn’t dig up if either are linked to the Koch’s (I was pretty cursory about it though).
The article was worth a read for this quote alone: