Stepping on @LallyLuckFarm’s toes because I like these posts

It’s been a frigid and gusty week here in New England, I needed two pairs of gloves for my bike ride to work yesterday! Just a couple of kale plants hanging on in my garden outside, but inside my potted camellia sinensis recently flowered for the first time! I’m currently battling a spider mite infestation and it did not enjoy lack of watering while I was away for Thanksgiving, but hopefully it’ll bounce back in the spring.

What’s growing on for you all? I hope all you southern hemisphere folks are enjoying the peak of the season!

    2 months ago

    Sounds neat.
    During my visit in Sri Lanka I plucked and dried some leaves. Sadly itbwas only 1g. Tasted good though.
    Wish you best of luck and a good tea ;)