The last post on the subject I could find was a year ago. So thought I would ask again. I have debian 12 up on miniPC and I have my NAS mounted. My intention is to use jellyfin and some of the arr* stuff. I know only a little about systemd (I just google what I need to know). I have some contianer knowledge, but mostly in k8s. And the docker parts aren’t really my problem. But I have a vague understanding of docker. What are the latest pros and cons of containers vs service installation?

Edit: The opinions were unanimous. Containers it is.

    3 months ago

    Having recently switched from baremetal Ubuntu Jellyfin to Docker, use docker. With Docker I know exactly where Jellyfin is storing my data because I tell it where. This means I can move it and spin it up from any machine the same every time. Moving my files over from Ubuntu was painful because they store it in weird locations and it’s spread across the file system, plus my media mount locations are different. This would have not been a problem on Docker.

    It’s not the ‘one click’ solution some people claim, but the up front trouble is worth it for easier management, in my opinion.