it worked on my machine
Whoa, this is it! This is what I’m looking for
Thanks for this! It actually works with a regular RSS reader, nice!
Forgot about that one but it’s only on Android (mobile-wise)
“As the mmWave sensor enters a low-power state when no motion is detected, it allows the Aqara FP300 to have a 2 year battery life while being powered by a pair of button cell CR2450 batteries.”
Reading through the marketing bullshit since this is the only number mentioned: It’ll last 2 years if there’s nobody ever in that room. In reality, it’ll last a few months at best and probably less than that if there’s people constantly in the room, as the mmWave sensor will need to be powered non-stop.
Stay away from resin as a beginner. It requires serious ventilation (ducts etc) and precautions which I’m assuming you don’t have planned. As for FDM, keep it in a room where you won’t be when it’s printing and make sure to crack a window open during printing or afterwards if you’re printing ABS/ASA as it’ll warp if you don’t have an enclosed printer.
Long live futo, I hope they stay this way
Lack of certification leading to non-standard implementations that don’t work well with other devices and instability, especially Aqara
Zigbee is a mess so this is great news
Seems like it’d be better for you to sell your enclosed MK4S and just buy this one as a kit
Why is it useless?
Oh man I wanted to mention Ondsel but I just saw that they’ve shut down and it really bummed me out…
hope this email doesn’t find you
Unifi + OpenWRT goes hard tho
Ohhhh, thanks for letting me know!
I downloaded the mobile app but it’s asking me for E-Mail straight away and there’s no way to select my own server… What gives?
…Voron? 😔 Sorry
What I meant was everybody who has access to the sky.
If you live in the city, you can travel a relatively short distance from it to see the sky, but you can’t avoid starlink satellites no matter where you are.
Mainly, I meant us who go out at night with their telescopes and adapters for DSLR cameras to take stacked long exposures of all the cool things we can see from our pale blue dot.
The lights you refer to are millions of different municipalities ordering street lights designed with zero consideration for the light pollution they might produce. It’s a huge problem with no easy fix on a global level while starlink is literally just one company launching a shitload of satellites. What exactly makes you believe I’m not “rallying” against light pollution?
And yes, I’m aware our space pollution is already insane but people wouldn’t complain this much if starlinks didn’t travel at a much closer distance to us (and thus and block more view) and if they weren’t launched in such huge numbers in a short amount of time.
Now that I think about it, what the fuck are you even saying? That this is good and we should launch more starlink satellites? That the situation is already that bad that we shoudn’t give a shit?
Real. Also mice tiddies.