I’d gladly trust drinking a Dr pepper over anything to do with Dr Phil or Dr oz
I’d gladly trust drinking a Dr pepper over anything to do with Dr Phil or Dr oz
Having the flexible screen facing externally on one fold seems quite reckless considering how fragile they still are by virtue of needing to be flexible. Having a Fold 4, the screen definitely relies on the thin film screen protector that the flexible screens come with. But because the screen is contained internally, it’s protected by the device.
Having it unprotected means any drops on a surface that is able to hit the screen directly will most likely lead to cracks in the LED layer and kill the screen. And the geometry of the folded part would imply that any impacts will most certainly lead to cracks. You can test this by folding a piece of paper in a similar manner and then hitting the folded part. It’ll make tiny very sharp creases in the paper, and these creases are what kills the screen.
At the rate things are going, just launch a kitted out Starship and have that serve as a temporary space station. That should tide us over for however long it takes to design, build, and launch a newer station.
Stars don’t burn anything anyway.
I’m still doubtful they will return on Starliner. After all the issues they’ve discovered since delaying the vehicle’s return, it seems like returning on Crew Dragon would simply be the safest option at this point. Political optics be damned, the crew isn’t expendable.
Good luck China. Without reusable rockets, this will be extremely expensive. It’s certainly an issue that can be brute forced with spamming more rockets, but each launch won’t be as cheap as it could be if you could reuse each rocket.
Please do not boop this snoot for your own safety. Sometimes they get curious and may investigate you if you’re near their waters. Please do not freak out as they’re just curious but above all else: Do not boop
I know they’re harmless and help with pests. But they got away too many legs and move just as fast for me to be comfortable with them. I’ll take cute little jumping spiders webbing things any day over these.