- Google has added a tabbed interface to the Terminal app in Android 16 Beta 3.
- The Terminal app lets you run Linux apps in a virtual machine on your Android device.
- Adding tabs makes it easier to multitask, as you can issue commands without having to wait for a process to complete.
This is like giving a bandaid to someone who just broke their fucking femur. I want actual linux and open source on my phone not a container that runs debian.
It’s a real VM, not a container. Chances are you can run containers on top of the VM. Haven’t tried.
Just tried, and yes you can.
RIP maemo. Nokia really messed that up.
I had the n810 and always coveted the n900
Physical keyboard. Debian Linux for mobile. It’s still my favorite smartphone ever.
u had one!??
the best smart phone I ever had was the BlackBerry q10
I did indeed. Kept using it for as long as I could until I was compelled to switch to Android/iOS. I dislike them both but Android is the lesser of two evils.
So why not use Ubuntu Touch?
Because it sucks?
Because it works on like 1% of phones? Im good with tech but not at the point where i could port something like that.
Okay so you want “actual linux and open source” AND it also needs to work on more than 1% of the phones?
It’s like the people who complain about phones not having a SD card but they never buy the phones that actually do support them
There are phones you can buy that run Linux in our open source check out the pinephone
“Okay so you want “actual linux and open source” AND it also needs to work on more than 1% of the phones?” Is this ironic or did you actually just tell me an argument that ive first seen in a meme? Why cant you have a modern phone that also has linux - because of the stupid corporations. Also same with sd cards. If you want a modern, high end phone with an sd card it just doesnt exist. You shouldnt have to compromise but capitalism forces you because at this point there are like 5 companies that make phones and all of them benefit from you suffering. If qualcomm offered proper support, phones could have linux support but they dont.
Isn’t Android open source? I like Linux, but I alternate being amazed by Linux and frustrated by how buggy the experience is. Everything on my Android phone / tablet just works effortlessly. But with Linux, it is a crap shoot. My Linux audio drivers kept popping my speakers and it took me hours to figure out the bug. Then when I run wine for a game it randomly thinks it doesn’t have enough storage space. Or how Chrome was having memory leaks. Or all the times I have had to use special bash commands or directly edit configuration files
Lineage OS is
Google Android is mostly proprietary. The reason is they need to gather all the data they can for marketing.
Android does the bare minimum to be called source available which isnt the same as open source and also its only the core of android that is. Its literally like taking linux, slapping on a bunch of propeitery stuff onto it and then telling people that you cant contribute to it and youre only gonna use an old, highly modified version of linux actually. Also the whole application ecosystem that you have on it needs your stupid spyware to run properly. As for linux i dont think desktop linux is buggy. Its way more usable than windows for example which literally falls to pieces if you look wrong at it. I have 3 old classmates who switched because windows just kept breaking. Your problems with audio means you probably used a non standard setup which i admit can cause breakages theres no doubt in that. And finally chrome having a memory leak; how is that related to linux?