Previous introduction here.

In the above scene, two police detectives are interrogating a literal Satan-worshipper, a man who seemingly reeks of guilt by all that’s good and holy, we presume. But what exactly is he guilty of, and how best to corner the beast..?

Now, our heroine as it were is carrying on the tradition of her father, and even though she received top results at the Police Academy, she’s immediately treated as a complete joke by her colleagues. Her assigned partner is initially of such a ‘boys’ club mind,’ but soon begins to respect her abilities…

Time to party?
(I think not)

This little two-book work is like the ultimate ‘cool cat,’ late-60’s gem. I mean, it nicely reflects those times, whilst also giving us a huge, satisfying puzzle to read, enjoy, and perhaps solve.

  • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.eeOPM
    10 days ago

    And even that would be just a tiny dab in to our culture, given that Homo is 2Myrs old.