Good choice for privacy, not so much for piracy. They removed their port forwarding feature a while ago.
Good choice for privacy, not so much for piracy. They removed their port forwarding feature a while ago.
Oh absolutely, it’s not that I have a problem with. It’s more the need that these losers have to lionise everything they do to the point of parody. Everything is framed in these grand terms of war and civilisation. They can’t just be having a rough day at work, they’re warriors fighting battles. They can’t just go to the gym to keep fit and improve themselves, they’re alpha males holding up the ideals of Western civilisation. They can’t just settle down and raise a family, they’re continuing the proud legacy of their forefathers and upholding family values. You get the picture.
It’s such a naked attempt to avoid anything that might be in the slightest bit emasculating and it’s honestly pathetic. They’re terrified of being perceived as anything other than a tough macho man that can only communicate through violence and threats. They think it makes then look like strong men when it actually does the opposite. Strong-willed people don’t talk like this.
Does it? I just see *******
“All the battles he fought that day” sir your target audience mostly works in air conditioned offices with a coffee machine five feet from their desks, calm down.
Honestly if it keeps the brainrot addicts who can’t sit through a movie without scrolling through Minecraft parkour videos in one place so I can go and watch them without bright screens in thr dark microwaving my eyeballs, I’m all for it.
Been looking for a Plexamp alternative for a minute, I’ll check this out. Appreciate the recommendation.
Can’t say I have a huge issue with this - Plex isn’t FOSS and the infrastructure to make this happen isn’t free. Other options are available if you don’t want to pay the fee.
Turns out that people like playing games that respect their time and aren’t a glorified second job. Who knew.
I’m pretty familiar with this guy. This is what he’s like pretty much all the time. He’s very much part of the manosphere.