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Where can you get this download?
What an advance age we live in. Lead poisoning had been replaced by plastic in every way!
Grenada is a wonderful town, but a week there is enough.
Sevilla, though, as far as ‘big cities’ go is stunning and feels like a small town with all it’s small streets and windey alleys.
Barcelona…you can pass on if cities aren’t your thing…we also found it to be a less kind city.
Each region has its own special charm, and don’t forget about the Camino Santiago- the accomodations along it are used to backpacking.
Have a great trip!
See…now that just sounds like homework :(
Very, very much enjoyed reading this
Madrid is great, but pricy! Check out ‘Cheers’ downtown, it’s an awesome karaoke bar! Reina Sofía museum for culture fix, go check out the Picasso Guernica. Free on Tuesdays (I’m pretty sure) but get tickets in advance!
Valencia is OK right now, most of the flood damage was to the south/out of the central part of the city so there isn’t any issues there, and it is a beautiful city with lots to see & visit. Rusafa neighborhood is the young, cool part of town (Trinity Vintage is a shop run by an American expat if you need someone to help get you grounded). Chinatown is great for cheap (but very nice) air bnb’s…cheap because on the street level Chinatown looks …meh. And if you need a spicy food fix, there are hot pots!
Both of these are near (both) train stations.
Feel free to PM me, my son lives in Madrid and we live south of Valencia… however right now our son is flying back from the US and I fly back next week.
How much banana can an ass hold, Michael?
Very nice thanks for sharing!!!
Ooooor some freaky cool superhuman powers.
I’ve forgotten more than I know.
& Die Hard 2,
Die Harder
It was…the salmon mousse
No no, it’s an illegal immigrant caravan!
My 2 cents: that planning is key, having a plan B, and also have mapped out what your absolute minimum that you need to keep going. Xcel is your friend.
My industry is apart from yours, but I’ve been through some shit (opening restaurants as well as opening our own 4 months before COVID hit). Feel free to DM me. Good luck!
Keep it up brother
Whatever you’re going through, your family needs time also to adjust. Good for you either way and I hope the communication stays positive!!!
As a bike commuter since 2010ish fuck yeah boys
So… Treacle?
It is! Thanks