I mean, that doesn’t feel farfetched.
By the way, my friend had a hardcore band called “Crucifux” in Tampa Bay, FL area about 15 years ago. Your handle made me double-take.
I mean, that doesn’t feel farfetched.
By the way, my friend had a hardcore band called “Crucifux” in Tampa Bay, FL area about 15 years ago. Your handle made me double-take.
So? People get so hung up on their right to remain unoffended. That’s not reality - it’s hiding. Our collective thin skin is getting shredded. We all need a dose of “wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit” more often.
You’re crazy. Learn the Ramsey method of making eggs and they’ll look like this.
Sorry, but it looks like burned pancakes with mustard and swimming in a pool of whisky. You need to cook them at a lower temp. I’m going to make some for breakfast right now just to get this image out of my head. I’ll even make eggs to go with it like you did.
Edit: here are mine. I dislike peanut butter on pancakes, but I’m doing it.
Nginx Proxy Manager + LetsEncrypt.
Yeah. No ads on my regular stuff. My PS4, which I stream with, still gets ads.
Who actually finds this funny and why?
Impossible to tell without seeing the underside of the cap. Even then, all mushrooms should be treated as LBMs unless you are absolutely sure.
Never trust internet people to ID your stuff.
-e is common in LatAm. I’ve never seen the -@ used. X just pisses me off because it only “works” in English, but sounds idiotic as well.
Self hosting? I just grabbed Element X Matrix client from F-Droid. I run a TrueNAS setup at home. I like this idea and will be researching it over the next few days.
Signal is my preference. I am not going to go around proselytizing to people about it, though. I typically respond and use text as readily. It’s not my job change people. I just change what I’m willing to say openly on any other platform.
Except for the ingredients I and several others mentioned. It’s a marketing gimmick.
I’m sure they tasted great.
Umbrage doesn’t mean denial.
Explain… The only things there unrelated to the Spaniards invading are the fish, maize, and pulpo.
How do you infer me wanting utopia from this?
The point is that because the plastics dissolve, it may just give license to people to continue dumping into the ocean because now it’s out of sight and out of mind. Rinse, lather, repeat a few trillion times and now we have yet another chemical problem causing some unforseen thing.
Look, dude, I get it. All of this is exhausting. But so is dealing with humans who refuse to spend 30 seconds asking themselves what the consequences of a thing are. The headline is eye-catching, but what does it mean for us in 20 years if this were widely adopted. Would it be OK or would it cause new issues? It’s also misleading: “Goodbye Microplastics?” It’s not like everything will suddenly disappear or there will be 100% global adoption of this technology.
I’m sure that when dissolved the molecular components won’t affect the water in any way.
Excuse me, what?
Hilarious. I played music with the drummer, Andy. Small world.